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雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作同意与否 社区服务community service




Some people think certain prisoners should be made to do unpaid community work instead of being put behind bars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Crimes in many countries have gone beyond the alarming rate and it is a common practice to put convicted people behind bars. A segment of society opines that not all crimes are equal and repercussion of harsh sentence for all offenses is uncivilized. They outline the need for unpaid community service as punishments for mild-offenders and youngsters. I believe that certain offenders should be given non-custodial sentences.


The predominant reason for me to believe that unpaid community services like cleaning streets, planting trees, and working for charity instead of prison is that many offenders are not born-criminals and the circumstance often incite them to commit a felony. Besides, when such unpremeditated convicts are expelled from the society, they incline to re-offend in isolation as there is none to accept them. Apart from this, juvenile delinquents should be rehabilitated by indulging them in community services.


On the contrary, brutal offenders who commit heinous crimes like premeditated murder, vandalism, abduction, hijacking, rapes and so on should be punished to set examples in the society. Thus, the background of a criminal and the motif of a crime should be considered. For instance, if a teenager steals food from a store as his mother is starving is a completely different scenario than someone robbing an old lady. The former deserves a second chance while the latter should be imprisoned.


To recapitulate, someone with no previous record of crime and a sensible reason for a slight misconduct should be treated differently than a serial killer. The objective of the law is to maintain peace in the society, not to punish people. Thus unpaid community services is a great option to let some convicted lament for their crime.



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