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雅思写作小作文范文 雅思写作表格题table 国家社会经济指数 今天我们雅思写作小作文范文的文章来研究下表格题 […]


雅思写作小作文范文 雅思写作表格题table 国家社会经济指数



The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The supplied table gives data provided by the United Nations on the 4 major social and economic indicators of four countries for the year 1994.


As is observed from the given data, Canada and Japan were two countries with really rich social and economic indications whereas Peru and Zaire were two countries where life expectancy and other social and economic factors were very poor in the year 1994.

正如从所给的数据中看到的那样,加拿大和日本是两个拥有极其富裕的社会经济指数的国家,而秘鲁和刚果民主共和国这两个国家在1994年的时候无论是预期寿命 还是其他的社会经济因素都非常的差。

Canada and Japan had both 99% adult literacy rate and their life expectancy was more than 75. Besides, annual incomes per person in these two countries were much higher, more than 11 thousand and 15 thousand respectively. Finally, the daily calorie supplies for the people of these 2 countries were more than 3300 and 2800. This translation is from Laokaoya website. Totally opposite scenarios can be observed in Peru and Zaire. The latter two countries had only 68% and 34% adult literates and the life expectancy was much less than the previous two countries. Finally, the calorie supply per person and life expectancy were significantly less in these two countries. These indicators show a poor life standard in these two countries.


In summary, Canada and Japan both had a really rich life standard while it was very poor in Peru and Zaire.



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