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雅思复议信怎么写 由于雅思考试人工判分的机制,不少小伙伴在成绩出来之后都会觉得雅思官方给的分数较低,尤其是口语 […]








I am a candidate who has completed the exam on XX,201X.As a result of the puzzlement of the result, this letter is for the reassessment.

OnXX, 201X, I took my first IELTS test with a short-time preparation. The result was satisfying and reached my expectation. Since my work is too tight, there is no time to properly prepare. The second IELTS test came so hurriedly on October 19th and the overall band score didn’t change compared with the previous one. After this, I realized that I have to make efforts to achieve a higher score. So I resigned and went back to school to sit in an English class. After two months of preparation and hard work, I took my third IELTS test. The scores I got this time for the writing, listening, and reading sections various increases. However, what took me surprised is that the speaking section saw a one-point down 6.5 to 5.5.

I am confident of my speaking because of the experiences of working as a volunteer in the Expo 2010 and had been working with international coworkers in my former since 2011. I believe the IELTS is a people-oriented test, and will take the incident into consideration when marking my speaking performance. Besides, it is pre-requisite to reach band 6.5 in total for the sake of attending my ideal university but the band 5.5 in speaking part shattered my goal. And taking another exam is extremely inconvenient for me, so I to remark my speaking section.

Any help you will ly be appreciated.



Dear IELTS Examiners,

I am a candidate who has completed the exam on 30th, June. As a result of the puzzlement of the result, this letter is for the reassessment.

In order to see where I was in terms of English proficiency, on February 4th, I took my first IELTS test without any prior preparation. Then after three months of preparation and hard work, I took my second IELTS test. The scores I got this time for the writing, listening, and reading sections saw various increases compared with the previous one. However, what took me surprised is that the speaking section saw a one-point down from 6.5 to 5.5. I feel an urgent need to explain what might partly account for this.

During Part 2 of the speaking section, I got distracted and lost my chain of thoughts, and thus wrapped up this part unsatisfactorily – due to the fact that the examiner, when I was speaking, bent down to pick up something (I did not see it), and used his hands to wave the mosquitoes away.

Despite all this, I believe the IELTS is a people-oriented test, and will take the incident into consideration when marking my speaking performance. Besides, it is pre-requisite to reach band 7.5 in total for the sake of attending my ideal university but the band 5.5 in speaking part shattered my goal. And taking another exam is extremely inconvenient for me, so I ask to remark my speaking section.

Any help from you will greatly be appreciated.




雅思口语复议失败 咋回事啊

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