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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you played an […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you played an indoor game with others 描述你曾经和别人一起玩室内游戏的经历

另一版本的题目为:Describe an indoor game you played as a child 小时候的室内游戏


这道题目是当季口语新题,比较有意思的点在于大家对indoor game的理解不必局限于单个方面。通常而言,indoor game可以是室内运动,比如说乒乓球、室内攀岩、瑜伽、健身等等。另外, indoor game也可以是纯游戏类的,比如大家比较熟悉的象棋、军旗、扑克牌以及最近十几年比较流行的桌游等等。但是,swimming(哪怕是室内的)严格意义上不算室内运动。老烤鸭雅思小编希望大家在拿到下面的题目之后给自己1分钟时间读题并用笔做一下思路笔记,然后进行口头练习。在自我练习之后,再参照老烤鸭给出的原创参考答案进行巩固练习。


Describe an experience that you played an indoor game with others

You should say:

What you played

Who you played it with

Why you played it

And explain how you felt about it




An indoor game that I played with other people that I would like to share here was a board game.


It was called Sanguosha, which literally means Three Kingdom Kill or the Legends of Three Kingdoms. It was during the first year of my college that I got to know this game. It’s a Chinese card game based on the Three Kingdoms period of China and the semi-fictional novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

它叫三国杀,直译过来叫hree Kingdom Kill或者Legends of Three Kingdoms。是在我大一那会儿我了解到了这个游戏。它是基于中国的三国时期历史以及半虚构小说《三国演义》改编的卡牌桌游。

I played this game with my roommates in college. Li Kun who was the roommate that slept beside my bed in our dormitory bought this set of cards online. This article is from Laokaoya website. I still can remember how excited he was after he got the package from the delivery man. Right after he unboxed the cards, we were invited to play. Once we got the ball rolling, we just couldn’t stop. There’s so much fun in it.

我是和我的大学室友们一起玩的这个游戏。睡我床旁边的Li Kun室友从网上买到了这套卡片。我依然记得当时他收到邮递员快递时的激动心情。他一打开这盒卡牌,我们就邀请来玩儿了。我们一开始之后,就根本停不下来。这里头有太多乐趣了。

Well, the reason why I played this game was that my roommate asked me to have a try. I didn’t have any excuse to refuse. Also, I was quite into the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and really wanted to see how it could be implemented into this game.


Well, this game was definitely interesting to play. It involved lots of game strategies without which you couldn’t have the confidence to win. I highly recommend this game as a way to have fun or kill time with friends.


Part 3追加问题

Can children benefit from playing computer games?

What indoor games do children like to play nowadays?

What is the difference between the games children play now and those in the past?

What is the difference between boys’ and girls’ games?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/15008.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you played an indoor game with others 室内游戏:等您坐沙发呢!


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