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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a performance you watched recentl […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a performance you watched recently 描述一场最近欣赏过的演出


这道题目是一道“古董题”,老烤鸭雅思小编记得在七年前考过一次。本题的难度系数中等,需要考生能够找到自己的经历并运用恰当的语言表述出来。一般我们能够想到的perfomance(表演)可以是春节的联欢晚会、中秋晚会等,也可以是学校单位组织的年会表演。除此之外,一些大型的明星表演也算。当然,Musical performance(音乐会)也算作其中,例如:可以写久石让的钢琴表演等等。


Describe a performance you watched recently

You should say

What it was

When you watched it

Who you were with

And explain why you watched it




A performance that I watched recently was a ladyboy show presented by a theatre in Thailand.


I remember that was the very first exaggerating show that I’ve ever watched in my life. The performance was conducted by a number of performers who changed their biological male gender when they were kids. This article is from Laokaoya website. The performance was a T-show kind of like those Victoria’s Secret Fashion Shows, but they had their own dressing styles. I have to say that they were amazingly beautiful, and they were even hotter than real women.


I watched this performance last summer while I was traveling with my senior high schoolmates on our graduation trip to Thailand. You know, we didn’t mean to watch to purposely. We were actually on a day trip to Bangkok where the tour guide told us it’s a compulsory activity of our tour group.

我是在去年夏天的时候是我的高中同学在泰国毕业旅行的时候看的这场表演。我们当时并没有打算去看。我们其实是在曼谷一日游的旅游团里, 导游说这是我们团的强制性活动。

I was with my three other classmates, and there were also some middle-aged women who I thought were enjoying their retirement life.


Well, part of the reason why I watched it was that, as I mentioned, it’s a compulsory one on our day trip. We didn’t have an option. But, honestly, I was a bit curious about the ladyboys, and such a grand performance conducted by them at that time. So, I really wanted to take a look at it.



Part 3 追加问题

What’s the difference between watching a performance live and watching it on TV?

Which do you prefer? Traditional performance or concert?

Should the government provide financial support to promote traditional performance?

Is learning drama or dancing helpful for children?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/17158.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a performance you watched recently 欣赏过的演出:等您坐沙发呢!


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