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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when weather prevente […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity 被天气阻挡的活动/天气延误的活动


这个题目的角度有一点点刁钻 。不过我们可以先从不好的天气想起,然后再琢磨这种天气下不能干什么,思路就比较开阔了。比如下大雨就会影响到各种户外运动。本来想跟同学一起踢球/室外打篮球就没办法进行。而下雪则会影响到出行计划。道路结冰之后出门就成了奢望。甚至天气太过炎热也能阻止我们外出。老烤鸭雅思小编建议大家在看如下话题卡真题题的时候多给自己几分钟时间思考并口头练习一下,模拟一下考场环境,然后参考老烤鸭范文进行再次学习。


Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity

You should say

When it was

Why it prevented your activity

What you did

And how you felt about it




The experience I am going to tell you happened last summer when I was going to hike in a small mountain not far from my home. It was a sunny day with a mild temperature, perfect weather conditions for such an activity. After having breakfast, I checked my backpack, made sure I am wearing my most comfortable shoes, and took the bus to the foothill.


However, when I got there, the sun disappeared. The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds rolled across the sky. I could smell a storm is coming. This article is from Laokaoya website. It looked like I had to cancel my hiking plan unless I wanted to be trapped in the mountain by the rain and be showered as a drowned rat.


I was quite disappointed. I had planned for this hiking for a long time and bought everything I might need, including 8 different kinds of snacks. But now all the preparation was in vain. When I was just setting my foot on the way back, I found that there was a hot spring resort by the road, which I had never been to before. An idea came to me. As I was already here, why not try that.


It was a wonderful experience. After two hours in the pool, all my tiredness was gone, and I could feel my skin actually became a little smoother. There was even some free fruit on the poolside. You could take as many as you want. Though bathing was not my first choice for that day, it actually turned out pretty good.


Part 3 追加问题

Does weather have any impact on people’s daily activities?

Why do people do different kinds of sports in different weather?

What kind of weather do Chinese people like?

Do people talk about the weather when they meet for the first time?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/17169.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity 被天气阻挡的活动:等您坐沙发呢!


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