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父母与外部因素对孩子发展的影响-雅思写作讨论双方观点-雅思大作文范文 Parents’ influ […]

父母与外部因素对孩子发展的影响-雅思写作讨论双方观点-雅思大作文范文 Parents’ influence on Children’s development




Some people think that family life and parents have a great influence on children’s development, while others consider that external influence plays a more important role in children’s life. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




Parental influence and family life have huge importance to the development of a child, according to many, while others opine that children’s behavior is influenced more by outside factors like friends, teachers, and the surrounding environment. In my opinion, influences of parents, relatives, and family life are essential for the proper psychological and physical growth of a child, but environmental and external influences are more useful for them to confront real life. This essay will discuss both views before drawing a rational conclusion.



On one hand, parents have remarkable impacts on their children’s growth, especially to shape a good childhood. The sense of family, relationship, responsibility, and punctuality are instilled in a child by parents and it plays an influential role in their maturity. Love and attention from parents develop a strong character in a child while the lack of proper parenting often ruins it, according to many psychologists. Furthermore, children mostly mimic their parents and become more like them. Undoubtedly, this single fact proves how important it is for a child to have a family and proper parenting.



On the other hand, to become a complete human, we need to study in a school, interact with teachers and neighbors, have friends, face challenges, learn from our environment, gain social experiences and all those factors have crucial roles to play in a child’s life. Parents keep their offspring safe from dangers while their real-life experiences teach them how to deal with those obstacles. Outside the home, children encounter several kinds of situations that teach them how to solve their own problems. Furthermore, children learn invaluable skills in schools which helps them develop a sense of community to have a normal life beyond their family borders.



To infer, I am convinced that while parents have a huge impact on children’s attitude, social interactions and external factors are also imperative and cannot be ignored for a child’s overall development.



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