乡村居民涌入城市-雅思写作报告类-雅思大作文范文 people are leaving rural areas to live in the city
这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家讨论乡村居民涌入城市所造成的各种影响,以及可能逆转该趋势的措施。城市化一直都是雅思写作考察的热点。其负面影响包括但不限于犯罪率的上升,公共资源的紧张,交通堵塞,物价上涨等。解决方案往往有两种思路,一种是增加城市的容纳能力,一种是提升乡村的吸引力(雅思写作大作文思路 城市化的原因与缺点 reasons for urbanization and negatives of city life)。老烤鸭小编搜集了一篇相关的高分范文,以供大家参考。
These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city. Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation (migration from the country to the city) and suggest some ways on which this trend could be reversed.
The world has never witnessed such a great influx of population in cities from rural areas that it did in the last decade. Cities are already over-populated, polluted and cramped with an overwhelming number of people. Only decentralization and mandatory relocation can reverse the scenario.
To begin with, only 20 percent of the world population lived in cities at the beginning of the 20th century while this has already escalated to over 80%. This over-population in cities increases the crime rate, contribute to environmental pollution, decline the life-standard, increase competition and make healthy living a dream. The traffic congestion is a direct result of rural depopulation and housing problem in cities are getting worse day by day. According to a recent study, the lifestyle of cities is declining faster with the dramatic increase of its population.
To stop people from moving to metropolitan areas the government has to adopt a decentralization policy. If enough facilities and employment opportunities are created in rural areas, people would not move to cities, at least this could be hoped. The underlying reason people move to a big city is to have a better job and better facilities. To reverse the trend the government has to start big projects to empower the rural people and forcibly move many factories and facilities to nearby countrysides. Education, treatment and entertainment facilities in cities attract many rural people and the only way to stop this influx of people is to add those facilities to the countrysides.
In conclusion, cities become less suitable for living with the inflow of rural people who come to have a better life but eventually face more problems. Decentralization could be a very effective solution to shift this concerning trend.