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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a friend who is a good leader 描述一 […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a friend who is a good leader 描述一位领导力强的朋友


这道题目是本季度的雅思口语新题,但也曾经在五年前和三年前分别出现过一次。本道题目的难度系数适中,需要考生抓住good leader和friend这个两个核心点来展开表述。有的人可能会觉得,我身份并没有什么当了领导的朋友。其实,在老烤鸭看来,大家并非一定要描述那种当了局长、市长或者更大官的人。只要你的朋友体现出了leadership(领导力)即可,比如,从从小到大,我们应该认识了很多班长,选取一个你觉得领导力最足的那个班长来说也行。再比如,学校内的社团领导,公司内的主管,甚至小组讨论的组长都可以。


Describe a friend who is a good leader

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew this person

How this person behaves

And why you think this person is a good leader




A friend who is a good leader is actually my bestie Yu Jiang.

一位领导力强的朋友是我的闺蜜Yu Jiang。

I knew her since the first day of college where we took the same course called The Introduction of Chinese Poetry. She looked no special than other classmates while we were having the first class on that day.


However, it was in a school project that she totally impressed me. It was a charitable event initiated by the Student Union where she was an active participant as the secretary-general. This article is from Laokaoya website. The main goal of the cause is to raise money for the homeless old people by having a summer mini-marathon near our campus where there’s a good track for running.


She was kind of a supergirl at that time. You know, we had lots of school assignments to finish as the spring final was approaching. The thing was that she should set up all the marathon things including marking, registration, and communication with the people outside of school and so forth before the term came to an end. You know, that’s a lot of work for her. But, she surprisingly ended up nealing all the procedures and got good socres in that term.


Well, I think the biggest reason why I think she is an excellent leader is that she is highly efficient in terms of working. You know, at least for me, it could be years before I accomplish all the tasks.


Part 3 追加问题

Who is the head of the family in your culture?

Are men better at decision making in a family?

Should a leader discuss with team members when making decisions?

Do you think this (more men than women are leaders) will change in the future?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/25064.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a friend who is a good leader 领导力强的朋友:等您坐沙发呢!


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