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2020年9月5日大陆雅思考试答案 听力命中Part4 今天的考试貌似有点难。阅读部分出现许多乱序题,给定位答 […]

2020年9月5日大陆雅思考试答案 听力命中Part4




Part 1 出差预定酒店


1. airport

2. conference centre

3. printer

4. a tour of the city

5. discount on airline reservation

6. phone number: 6273940122

7. driver will need confirmation

8. a copy of the contract

9. 20% of the deposit

10. sign up before 8

Part 2 钓鱼许可证办理


11-14 匹配题

11. if you want to fish there, you need to tell them:

F. your passport number and have a fishing license from your home country.

12. if you do not have one, you need:

D. proof of passing a fishing exam

13. you can go to the local bank for the fishing costs, regulations and ask for:

B. details of different types of fishing license. Then they will issue you a fishing license.

14. Then you will find:

C. details of accommodation one take on the island when you go fishing

15-20 匹配题

15. pine trees beach: G. on a calm day

16. oyster coast: H. when it rains

17. riper Bella: B. at night

18. Marton reservoir: C. in autumn

19. southern coast: F. in winter

20. reservoir: E. in March and April

Part 4 建筑材料


31. the foundation is constructed of natural materials

32. use the best soil and sand

33. the bricks contain a lot of high-quality clay

34. advantages: cheap and convenient

35. the process of brick making takes good training

36. it needs water, time and labour

37. firstly, the roof needs to be set up

38. it is covered with plaster to prevent insects

39. the shape of the xxxxxxx

40. it has a risk of fire


2020年9-12月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2020年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案



第二篇:natural patterns





Many people think there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and a lack of respect for others. What do you think are the causes of this and how to improve it? what solutions can you suggest?

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2020年9月5日大陆雅思考试答案 听力命中Part4:等您坐沙发呢!


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