雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a time when you worked in a group 描述一次你与团队合作的经历/在团队里工作
这道雅思口语话题卡要求考生描述一次自己的曾经在group(小组/团队)work(干活儿/工作)的经历。这里的group不仅仅可以指公司里面的团队,也可以是某个大学内部的学术项目团队或者课上的小组 。常见的团队工作经历可以是暑期或者寒假实习,也可以是校内模拟联合国、辩论赛、机器人大赛等有分工合作的团队工作,也可以小到某个课程上的小组课题探讨。因此,只要大家多思考一下肯定不难找到类似的经历来进行描述。老烤鸭建议大家看到如下题目的题干和提示之后多给自己几分钟的时间进行思路的梳理,然后进行口头演练,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创答案进行学习。
Describe a time when you worked in a group
You should say
When it was
What you did
Who you worked with
And explain why you worked in the group
I’d like to share with you the experience of conducting research about the living habits of people in the Tang Dynasty as a group project.
It was during the first semester of my college that I had this group work with a bunch of same novice-like students. It was actually part of the final exam of our history class. And, that was the first time I had such a unique format of testing.
We did a lot of detailed tasks around the topic. Considering the topic was kind of big in terms of living habits, we actually dissected the research into different categories so that we could distribute them in pairs to do some research.
Well, I was lucky enough to be paired with another classmate named Jiang who I knew very well, this article is from Laokaoya website, and our task was to find and read the correlated literature as much as possible, which is the first preparation for our next step of comparing and analyzing. It took us days and nights of that entire week to accomplish it.
我当时很幸运地分到了一位我比较熟悉的同学,名叫Jiang. 我们的任务就是尽可能地多寻找并阅读一些相关的文献工作,这是我们接下来要进行比较分析的前提。这花费了我们那个星期好几个日日夜夜才把它搞定。
Well, the reason why I worked in this group was that I was assigned to be a member of it. And, another reason was that this was part of our final, which was quite essential for my studies. So, I had no choice but to take it. Well, working with Jiang and other teammates, I ended up having a decent score for that course.
Part 3 追加问题
Do you think it is important for kids to join a team?
Is the role of a leader important in a group?
What personalities should a good leader have?
Can everyone become a leader?