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体育课被挤占-雅思写作优缺点-雅思大作文范文 sports and exercises classes are […]

体育课被挤占-雅思写作优缺点-雅思大作文范文 sports and exercises classes are replaced



In many countries, sports and exercises classes are replaced with the academic subjects. Discuss the effects of this trend.




Sport is an important constituent of education at school and universities. However, there is a dramatic shift in this trend in some developing countries over the last few years. The authorities concerned claim that lengthy syllabus, competitive learning and studies pressure are the main hindrances that mitigate students’ interest to pursue in this field. I think this is not a good practice to exercise; children should be provided with opportunities to participate in physical activities that would help them relax and develop skills such as leadership, teamwork and handling pressure.



Sports play a pivotal role in health and could significantly contribute towards achieving other skills that are also important for a successful person. For instance, lack of these activities will make people lethargic and they will become more susceptible to diseases such as obesity and laziness. Furthermore, it is also seen that students without these activities are more hyper and violent in their attitudes, this will lead to severe problems in the society.



Nowadays, students have to perform exceptionally well in order to compete in their peer group. That increases panic, tension and un-relaxing conditions. Therefore, exercise is a good way to reduce their studies woes and help them relax and reenergize for their future studies. In addition to this, students who are good in sports activities can adopt it as their future career.



To sum up, I would like to say that eliminating sports activities from school curriculum would have dire consequences on students and society. We would be less likely to produce players for our nation teams. Apart from that, students’ mental health would be negatively affected by the absence of sports.



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