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雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a time that you were shopping in […]


雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market 街市购物 描述一次你在街市上购物的经历





Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market

You should say

When it was

Where it was

What you bought

How you felt about the shopping experience





The street shopping experience Laokaoya is going to tell you happened two years ago. It was during the summer vacation. Originally, I was going to find an internship in a company to gain some working experience, but my father suggested I visit my grandparents and spend some time there. After all, I had not seen them for nearly a year.


They live in a remote village and far from the city center. Since shopping is not very convenient, the village has gradually developed a custom that on the 1st and 15th of each month, villagers would take their home-made or home-grown products to the central street in the village. From Laokaoya. They usually built up a hut and displayed their goods on desks that they bring from their own house. This article is from laokaoya website, do not copy or repost it.


The day I arrived happened to be the first of August. The narrow street was crowded with people. They wandered around and looked for things they were interested in. There were vegetable seeds, farming tools, various home-made snacks and some handicrafts, many of which I had never seen before. Eventually, I bought a piece of Dougao, a very delicious snack made of mung beans, kind of like a cake. I also bought some sofa cushions. They were even more pretty than those sold in the supermarket.


Shopping on the street market is completely different from shopping in a mall. The greatest pleasure is that you have to carefully search every corner of the market so that you will not miss something really interesting. Every now and then, there is a surprise waiting for you. I really enjoy it.

Part 3 追加问题

Where do you like to go shopping?

Why do some people prefer street markets over shopping malls?

Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have good values/qualities?

Do you like shopping in big malls?

Why do some people like to buy expensive goods?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/3601.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market 街市购物:等您坐沙发呢!


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