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雅思口语Part3: 与沟通技巧有关 我们今天来看一个与沟通技巧(communication skills)相 […]

雅思口语Part3: 与沟通技巧有关

我们今天来看一个与沟通技巧(communication skills)相关的雅思口语Part Three问题。

What communication skills are important?  有哪些很重要的沟通技巧?

首先大家要搞懂的一个概念就是:沟通技巧是什么? 其实,所谓的沟通技巧就是一切能够帮助你与人交流沟通或者能够帮助你促进交流进展的一些方式方法。

Well, I think there are many communication skills that are quite vital. For example, getting to know the topic that you are going to talk with others beforehand, which really helps to progress the communication in a positive way. Plus, you have to understand others and try to feel that way others feel, which is really essential when it comes to some tough questions.


vital /ˈvaɪtəl/ adjective 重要的

beforehand /bɪˈfɔːhænd/ adverb 事先

essential /ɪˈsenʃəl/ adjective 重要的


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