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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a person who solved a problem in […]

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way 机智解决问题的人




Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

You should say

Who this person is

What the problem was

How he/she solved it

And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way




The clever man I am going to tell you about is my uncle, who works in a soap factory.


About 5 years ago, the factory introduced an advanced assembly line from abroad. This dramatically boosted its productivity. But soon after, workers found that it had an annoying drawback. Sometimes, the soap case came out without soap in it. This would damage the company’s image pretty hard, since a company that was not able to control the quality of its products could never win customers’ trust. Technicians tried a variety of high-tech devices, but gave up all of them because of the budget limitation.


Then my uncle, an employee who had worked in the factory for more than ten years, came up with a quite simple solution. Why not put a high-power fan at the end of the assembly line. This article is from Laokaoya website. In this way, the soap case without soap in it would be blown away due to its lighter weight, while the qualified products would stay put. This method worked out perfectly and only cost 200 yuan.


That is why I think he solved the problem in a smart way. Faced with a complicated problem, he went deep into its nature and found a straightforward solution, while others believe a complex problem needs a complex answer. And quite often, they get lost in seeking it.


Part 3 追加问题

Do you think children are born smart or they learn to be smart?

How do children become smart at school?

Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/43569.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way 机智解决问题的人:等您坐沙发呢!


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