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剑桥雅思14Test1Section4听力高频词汇 Marine renewable energy




剑桥雅思14Test1Section4听力答案解析 marine renewable energy (ocean energy)


fossil n. 化石

例句:At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil. 时间隔得这么久了,很难确定这化石的年代.

renewable adj. 可再生的

例句:renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power 像风力和太阳能这种用之不竭的能源

marine adj. 海洋的

例句:The leopard seal is one of the Antarctic fiercest marine predators. 豹海豹是北极最凶猛的海洋捕食者之一.

category n. 种类,类别

例句:Students over 25 fall into a different category. 25岁以上的学生属另一类。

tidal adj. 潮汐的

例句:The tidal stream or current gradually decreases in the shallows. 浅滩上的潮水逐渐退去。

penguin n. 企鹅

例句:So how warm should a penguin egg be so that the chick stays healthy? 企鹅蛋要保持多高的温度才能让蛋里的小企鹅健康呢 ?

reservoir n. 蓄水池,水库

例句:A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir. 水库存了大量的水.

tide n. 潮汐

例句:Strong tides make swimming dangerous. 遇上大潮时游泳很危险。

construct v. 建造

例句:There are plans to construct a new road bridge across the river. 有计划要建造一条新的跨河公路桥。

shelter n. 庇护所,收容所

例句:They are in need of food and shelter. 他们急需食物和住处。

turbine n. 涡轮机

例句:Designs and manufactures turbine engine test cells and wind tunnels. 设计生产涡轮发动机测试单元和风洞.

maintenance n. 维修,维护

例句:The school pays for heating and the maintenance of the buildings. 学校负担这些大楼的供热和维修费用。

migration n. 移民,迁徙

例句:All results are significant to the research on the population in migration process. 这些结果对于研究人口在迁移过程中的变化有着重要意义.

pattern n. 模式,图案

例句:Weather patterns have changed in recent years. 气候模式近年已经发生了变化。

ecosystem n. 生态系统、

例句:Madagascar’s ecosystems range from rainforest to semi-desert. 马达加斯加生态系统类型多样,从雨林到半荒漠等不一而足。

surface n. 表面

例句:Nearly 10% of the Earth’s surface is covered by ice. 地球表面将近10%被冰层覆盖。

tropical adj. 热带的,炎热的

例句:a plan to preserve the world’s tropical forests. 保护世界热带雨林的计划


剑桥雅思14Test1Section2听力高频词汇 Induction talk for new apprentices

剑桥雅思14Test1Section3听力高频词汇 cities built by the sea

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