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剑桥雅思15Test2Part1听力高频词汇 festival information




剑桥雅思15Test2Part1听力答案解析 festival information


concert n. 音乐会

例句:She still does about 100 concerts every year. 她每年仍然举行100场左右的演唱会。

performance n. 表演,演出

例句:Sean’s performance at school has greatly improved. 肖恩在学校的表现进步很大。

comedy n. 喜剧

例句:He didn’t appreciate the comedy of the situation. 他未领略到这种局面的滑稽可笑之处。

review n. 评价,评论

例句:He submitted his latest novel for review. 他提交了自己的最新小说供评论。

cookery n. 烹饪,烹调

例句:The school runs cookery courses throughout the year. 这个学校常年开设烹饪学习班。

poster n. 海报

例句:Posters were pasted up on the bulletin board. 布告栏上贴了一些海报.

exhibit n. 展览,展出

例句:The exhibits date from the 17th century.

venue n. 场地,地点

例句:The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour. 这个乐队在英国巡回演出期间将在20个不同的地点演出。

lifeguard n. 救生员

例句:The lifeguard revived the man by artificial respiration. 救生员通过人工呼吸救活了那个人.

剑桥雅思15Test2Part2听力高频词汇 Minster Park

剑桥雅思15Test2Part3听力高频词汇 Charles Dickens

剑桥雅思15Test2Part4听力高频词汇 Agricultural programme in Mozambique

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