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剑桥雅思16Test3Part4听力高频词汇 Hand knitting




剑桥雅思16Test3Part4听力答案解析 Hand knitting


creative adj. 创造性的

例句:Do you have any ideas? You’re the creative one. 你有何高见?你是有创见的人。

ancient adj. 古代的,古老的

例句:They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning. 他们认为古代希腊罗马是知识的重要发源地。

elderly adj. 上了年纪的

例句:Some of those artillery pieces look a little elderly. 那些大炮中有些看起来有点老掉牙了。

vanish v. 消失,突然不见

例句:The magician vanished in a puff of smoke. 魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了。

generation n. 一代,一代人

例句:She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates.

seek v. 寻求,寻找

例句:Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. 驾车者被老烤鸭告知需另寻其他路线。

instruction n. 指示,命令

例句:The plant comes with full instructions on how to care for it. 这棵植物附有详尽的护养说明。

figure n. 数字

例句:Experts put the real figure at closer to 75%. 专家们估计真实的数字较接近于75%。

handicraft n. 手工艺品

例句:Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft. 她的爱好是音乐、读书和手工。

estimate v. 估计,估量

例句:Police estimate the crowd at 30 000. 警方估计聚集的人有3万。

cotton n. 棉花,棉布

例句:The sheets are 100% pure cotton. 这些被单是100%的纯棉。

linen n. 亚麻布,亚麻线

例句:Linen is produced from flax. 亚麻布是以亚麻纤维为原料制造的.

wheel n. 车轮

例句:He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid. 他猛然刹车,使得前车轮打滑了。

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剑桥雅思16Test3Part4听力高频词汇 Hand knitting:等您坐沙发呢!


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