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剑桥雅思16Test4Part2听力高频词汇 Local council report on traffic and highways




剑桥雅思16Test4Part2听力答案解析 Local council report on traffic and highways


agenda n. 议程,议题

例句:The next item on the agenda is the publicity budget. 议程表上的下一项是宣传预算。

complaint n. 抱怨

例句:I can see no grounds for complaint. 我看没理由抱怨。

vehicle n. 车辆,交通工具

例句:Are you the driver of this vehicle? 你是这辆汽车的驾驶员吗?

surface n. 表面,表层,外观

例句:These plants float on the surface of the water. 这些植物漂浮在水面上。

extend v. 延伸,扩大,推广

例句:There are plans to extend the no-smoking area. 现已有扩大无烟区的计划。

confirm v. 确认,证实

例句:It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week. 已经确老烤鸭定会议将于下个星期召开。

bend n. 转弯,弯道

例句:a sharp bend in the road 道路的急拐弯

proposal n. 提议,建议

例句:His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected. 他提的关于修改制度的建议被拒绝了。

entrance n. 入口,进入

例句:The police were unable to gain entrance to the house. 警方怎么也进不去这栋房子。

council n. 委员会,议会

例句:In Britain, the Arts Council gives grants to theatres. 英国的艺术委员会向剧院提供资金。

funding n. 提供资金

例句:There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research. 政府提供的科研资金已大幅度削减。

footpath n. 人行道,小路

例句:They rambled on the footpath in the woods. 他俩漫步在林间蹊径上.

skateboard n. 滑板

例句:He wants to have a skateboard. 他想要一块滑板.

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