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剑桥雅思6 G类 TestB Section3阅读答案解析 Pterosaurs

剑桥雅思6 G类部分TestB Section3这篇文章的主题为翼龙。具体内容包括翼龙是否为冷血动物的争论,其名称的来源,进化出飞行能力的过程,目前发现的化石等。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。

剑桥雅思6 G类 TestB Section3阅读答案解析



对应原文:J段:MacCready pointed out its similarity to sailplanes,

答案解析:文章的大多数内容都在描述翼龙,只有J段提到了飞机。其中its对应pterosaurs,similarity为原词,而sailplanes则对应mechanical flight,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:D段:It was not until 1791 that the great French anatomist Georges Cuvier deduced that the animal was in fact a flying reptile

答案解析:前文虽然也提到了翼龙的种类归属,但只有D段说明了这一归类是怎么来的,对应题干中的idetification和actually was,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:F段:how pterosaurs learnt to fly remains a matter for disagreement.



对应原文:K段:At the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, a meteorite or comet slammed into the Earth. That calamity – and other events – wiped out roughly three quarters of all species, including all pterosaurs and dinosaurs



对应原文:A段:Uncontested in the air, pterosaurs colonised all continents

答案解析:A段最后一句提到,翼龙在空中没有任何竞争对手,扩张到所有大陆。其中colonised对应existed,all continents对应all over the world,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:E段:Unlike earlier fossils, this new find near the Bavarian town of Solnhofen contained delicate wing impressions, this article is from laokaoya website, establishing definitely that the extinct reptile was capable of flight.

答案解析:E段第二句话提到,不像之前的化石,新的发现包括清晰的翅膀,让人们确定这一灭绝的爬行动物可以飞行。其中unlike earlier fossils对应the first,delicate wing impressions对应clear proof,flight对应fly,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:G段:capable of catching fish over open water …Under a microscope, several fish scales ,can be seen in the abdomen of the specimen-the remains of the pterosaur’s last meal.

答案解析:G段中间提到,翼龙可以从空中捕鱼。最后一句又说到,从标本的肚子里发现了鱼鳞。前者对应hunted their food from the air,后者对应concrete evidence,由此确定G为正确答案。


对应原文:G段:‘It’s very difficult to say how pterosaurs changed over time because the earliest fossils we have are of pterosaurs whose fourth finger has already transformed into a wing,’ says Fabio dalla Vecchia

答案解析:G段第一句就提到,“目前发现的最早的翼龙化石中,第四根手指已经进化成了翅膀,因此很难断定翼龙是如何随着时间而变化的”,其中difficult对应difficulty,changed对应evolved,后面的描述则对应缺乏证据,由此确定C选项Fabio dalla Vecchia为正确答案。


对应原文:D段:Cosimo Alessandro Collini, the first natural historian to study the fossil and describe it, was unable to classify it.

答案解析:D段开头提到,第一位研究化石并且描述它的自然历史学家Cosimo Alessandro Collini未能对其进行分类。其中unable对应failed,classify对应interpret,fossil对应evidence,由此确定A为正确答案。


对应原文:D段:It was not until 1791 that the great French anatomist Georges Cuvier deduced that the animal was in fact a flying reptile, whose fourth finger supported a wing.

答案解析:第一只翼龙是由法国解剖学者Georges Cuvier命名的,由此确定B为正确答案。


对应原文:I段:’Unlike smaller pterosaurs, it could use natural currents to stay in the air without having to move its wings continuously,’ said Paul MacCready

答案解析:Paul Maccready提出,不像小的翼龙那样,它可以利用自然气流停留在空中,而不必总是扇动翅膀。其中natural currents对应environment,由此确定D为正确答案。

第39题答案:(over) a thousand

对应原文:E段:Even though over a thousand pterosaur specimens are known today

答案解析:这道题不太好定位。不过根据题干很容易猜到空上应该填具体的数字,由此锁定答案为over a thousand。

第40题答案:11 meters

对应原文:H段:the planes exhibited nearby. This pterosaur had wings over 11 metres wide


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