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剑桥雅思17Test1Part1听力高频词汇 Buckworth Conservation Group




剑桥雅思17Test1Part1听力答案解析 Buckworth Conservation Group


litter n. 垃圾,废弃物

例句:There will be fines for people who drop litter. 乱扔垃圾的人将被罚款。

ban v. 禁止

例句:She’s been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. 在对那些指控进行调查期间,禁止她离开希腊。

nature reserve 自然保护区

例句:Giant pandas are being protected in Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province. 现在大熊猫正在四川卧龙自然保护区受到保护.

insect n. 昆虫

例句:They sprayed aerosol insect repellent into the faces of police. 他们将喷雾驱虫剂喷在了警察的脸上.

species n. 物种,种类

例句:There are several thousand species of trees here. 这里有几千种树。

butterfly n. 蝴蝶

例句:She’s like a butterfly, flitting in and out of people’s lives. 她像一只蝴蝶,在人们的生活中穿梭。

boot n. 靴子

例句:a pair of black leather boots 一双黑皮靴

waterproof adj. 防水的

例句:Take waterproof clothing — Orkney weather is unpredictable. 带上防水的衣服吧——奥克尼的天气可是变幻莫测的。

ambitious adj. 有野心的,艰巨的

例句:The ambitious project was completed in only nine months. 这个规模宏大的项目只用了9个月就完成了。

wooden adj. 木制的,木头的

例句:A large wooden box served as our table. 一个大木箱成了我们的桌子.

spoon n. 勺子

例句:He stirred his coffee with a spoon. 他用一把小勺搅着自己的咖啡。

camp v. 露营,宿营

例句:We camped near the beach. 我们靠近海滩宿营。

剑桥雅思17Test1Part2听力高频词汇 Boat trip round Tasmania

剑桥雅思17Test1Part3听力高频词汇 work experience for veterianry science students

剑桥雅思17Test1Part4听力高频词汇 Labyrinths

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