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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a new development in the area whe […]


雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park…) 描述你所居住区域的新发展/居住地的发展




Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g., shopping mall, park…)

You should say

What the development is

When/where you noticed it

How long it took to complete it

And explain how you feel about it




The development I am going to tell you about is a new community center. As its name suggests, it is located right in the center of our community. To get there, you only need to step out of the door, take the elevator to the ground floor and walk for a few minutes, which is very convenient.


I noticed it on the first day of its construction. After all, it was almost impossible to ignore such a significant change right beside my apartment. Although the noise had incurred some complaints, most residents expressed their support and hoped the workers could speed up.


It took three months to complete this small two-story building. The staff has set up some entertainment facilities on the ground floor like the table tennis table, Majiang, poker, and Chinese chess. And the second floor is a tiny library this article is from laokaoya website with shelves of magazines and best-sellers. Several desks and chairs are arranged against the window to the south, where people can read and write under the sunshine. In front of the building, there are stairs for healthy people and a gentle slope for wheelchair users, like senior citizens and the disabled, so that everyone can benefit from it.


I love this place because it provides me with another choice, besides watching TV and playing games at home, to kill time. And when I am reading or playing in the community center, I will inevitably meet, interact with, and eventually get familiar with my lovely neighbors, expanding my social circle and enhancing the community bond.


Part 3追加问题

What can be improved in public transport services?

What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?

Do you think young people in your country like to go to the cinema?

How is the subway system developing in your country?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/53410.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a new development in the area where you live 居住地的发展:等您坐沙发呢!


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