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Whether people should take healthcare for free 雅思写作政府类7 […]

Whether people should take healthcare for free 雅思写作政府类7分范文



Some people think that they should take healthcare for free. But others think the healthcare should be paid by their own money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



Healthcare is an essential service that everyone requires at some point in their lives. While some believe that healthcare should be free, others argue that individuals should pay for their own healthcare expenses. In this essay, both perspectives will be discussed before providing a personal opinion.


On the one hand, advocates of free healthcare argue that it is a basic human right and should be accessible to all. They believe that people who cannot afford to pay for their healthcare should not be deprived of medical treatment. Furthermore, proponents of this view argue that providing free healthcare will improve the overall health of the population, reduce the spread of diseases, and increase life expectancy.


On the other hand, supporters of paid healthcare contend that individuals should take responsibility for their own health expenses. They argue that if people have to pay for their healthcare, they will be more careful with their health and take preventative measures to avoid medical treatment. Additionally, they argue that free healthcare would create a burden on the government and taxpayers, leading to higher taxes and a decrease in the quality of healthcare services.


In my opinion, healthcare should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial status. While it is essential for individuals to take responsibility for their health, many people cannot afford to pay for their healthcare expenses. Therefore, free healthcare should be available to those who cannot afford to pay for it. At the same time, those who can afford to pay for their healthcare should do so. A balance between free healthcare and paid healthcare should be struck to ensure that everyone has access to the medical treatment they require.



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