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今天我们来积累一个欧美人常见的口语表达 Under the weather: feeling comforta […]

今天我们来积累一个欧美人常见的口语表达 Under the weather: feeling comfortable physically

第一次听到这个词的时候是在跟老外一起做节目的时候,当时有位嘉宾由于生病了未能出席。主持人在提及到这位没有出席的常客嘉宾的时候用的就是 Ryan is not here with us. He is a little bit under the weather today. Ryan今天不能够和我们一起做这期节目了,因为他今天身体感觉有点不舒服。


比如, what do you usually do during the weekends?

Well, I sometimes hang out with my friends in the city center with my besties to enhance our friendship, but if I am a little bit under the weather, probably I’ll just stay at home and watch some TV series like the Games of Throne to loosen up.

回顾一下地道表达:up to snuff


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日积月累英语口语地道表达-under the weather:等您坐沙发呢!


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