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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an item you bought but do not oft […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an item you bought but do not often use 描述一件你买了但是不常用的商品 /少用物品/不经常使用的物品




Describe an item you bought but do not often use

You should say:

When you bought it

Where you bought it

Why you bought it

And explain why you didn’t often use it




An item that I bought but do not often use was a set of Beats headphones, which I got from an APPLE store in Beijing Sanlitun.

I remember it was on a weekend before I started my new semester that I bought this headphone. It was on sale for students at that time in the store. So, I bought it along with my new laptop, which was a 13-inch MacBook Pro 2018 model.

我记得买耳机的时候正式学校新学期开学前一周。耳机当时在苹果店里面对学生做优惠活动。所以我把它买了回来,同时还买了一台2018款13英寸的Macbook Pro笔记本电脑。

When I got to the Apple store, the salesperson was so welcoming and was always ready to answer any questions I had in terms of the technology stuff. Well, I regarded myself as tech savvy, but honestly, this article is from Laokaoya website, I still got some problems in choosing different types. So, that guy literally solved all the problems I had met using these gadgets.


Well, honestly, the reason why I bout this set of headphones is that I loved its design, which was cool but low key, I mean the black model. I knew its sound quality wouldn’t be that much classic, but in terms of the discount, I thought it was worth it.


However, just several weeks after I bought it, I felt like I kind of overestimated its quality and the design. You know, the longer I put them on my head, the more pain I could get. It’s too tight, they should have made it bigger! That’s the reason why I didn’t use it often now.


Part 3 追加问题

Are you an impulsive customer?

Do you care about the pollution caused by packaging?

Do you pay attention to environmental protection?

Do people in your country care about waste classification?

How often do you deal with items you don’t use anymore?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/9054.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an item you bought but do not often use 少用物品/不经常使用的物品:等您坐沙发呢!


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