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雅思G类小作文范文 参加与工作相关的会议 书信类 在雅思移民类小作文中,要求考生在规定的时间内完成一封书信文体 […]


雅思G类小作文范文 参加与工作相关的会议 书信类



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 花二十分钟的时间在此项任务上。

You would like to participate in a work-related seminar in another country. Write a letter to the person in charge of the seminar and ask for detailed information regarding the dates, program, accommodation and cost.


Write at least 150 words.



Dear Sir or Madam,


I am Joe Smith, currently working as a software engineer in Sapin. I have learned about your seminar on Ethical Hacking, scheduled to be held in Sydney, Australia in December 2019, through an advertisement in a newspaper. I am planning to attend this workshop and need some further details.

我的名字叫乔·史密斯,目前在西班牙的一家公司当软件工程师。我通过一份报纸的广告了解到2019年12月份将在澳大利亚悉尼即将召开一个与Ethical Hacking相关的研讨会。我计划着去参加这个研讨会,现在需要一些更加细节的信息。

The seminar schedule was not mentioned in the advert. Hence, I would like to know the duration and schedule of the workshop. I would be glad if you can also give me a brief of the program: which aspects of Ethical Hacking will be covered as part of the workshop and if there will be any hands-on or will it be just a theoretical session. Lastly, this translation is from Laokaoya website, as I will be traveling from Spain, I would like to know about the accommodation arrangement. Is there any living place provided by you? If not, could you please let me know of the hotels nearby along with the probable cost per night including meals?

在广告里没有提及到研讨会的日程安排,所以,我想知道这个研讨班的时长以及日程安排。如果能给我一些简要的介绍就更好了,比如关于Ethical Hacking的哪些方面会在研讨班上涉及到,以及是否会有些理论和动手实践的环节?最后,由于我会从西班牙过来,想了解一下住宿方面的安排,是否有提供住的地方?如果没有的话,能否告知我周边有哪些价格合适的包含餐食的酒店?

Thank you in advance for your reply. I am looking forward to attending the seminar.


Yours faithfully,


Joe Smith



Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to get some details about the seminar – New Techniques of Production Management, which your organization will administer in London. I am hoping that you would reply to my queries so that I can book my seat for the symposium.


I am working as a production manager in a large home appliances company in Iran for the last five years and I think this seminar would be helpful to me as it covers some new approaches to managing workers and manufacturing lines. This translation is from Laokaoya website. I believe this seminar would enhance participants’ knowledge and skills in different management manners and styles applied in the home appliance manufacturing industry.


As I did not obtain all the information that I need from your advertisement, I would like to know the date and schedule of the seminar. What kind of accommodation would you prepare for the participants, if at all? Finally, how much the registration would cost? Can I book and pay online? If so, give me details instruction, please.


I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest.


Yours faithfully,


Milad Rahimi

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/10146.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类小作文范文 参加与工作相关的会议 书信类:等您坐沙发呢!


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