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  雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a big company or organization […]


雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a big company or organization you know 大型公司或社团


该题目虽然只有一个信息点,但提供了两个备选方向:big company大型公司或者big organization 大型社团。首先我们需要明确大型究竟要有多大。员工过万的当然可以,但其实有个几十人到一两百人就行。不必将自己的思路限制在那种跨国公司或者巨无霸企业上。Company 公司方面,我们可以说中石油、中铁集团等,但它们离我们的日常生活有些太远了。男生可以说说自己喜欢的游戏公司,运动用品公司等;女生可以说说自己喜欢的化妆品公司或者时尚用品公司等。尽可能的接地气一些,这样才不容易重复,考官才有兴趣去听。Organization 社团方面,天朝对社会组织的管控比较严格,必须找到挂靠单位才行。所以我们平时听到的非政府组织的消息比较少。但学校的社团也是社团啊。我们完全可以聊聊自己在大学生活中参加的各种社团活动。


Describe a big company or organization you know

You should say:

What it is  它是什么

How you knew about it  你怎么知道的它

What this company / organization does 该公司或者社团做什么

How you feel about it  你的感受如何


The company I am going to tell you is ofo, which focuses on providing the new generation of shared bicycles, the litter yellow bikes. Traditional public bike service needs a dock. It is the place where you rent the bike and return it. It is not convenient at all since people’s destinations may still be far away. But with ofo, everything is different. You can leave the bike anywhere you like, as long as it is not the middle of the road, and do not need to worry about returning. Somebody else may ride it to another place or the company’s staff will move it to where it is needed.


It is hard not to notice this company. It is like all of a sudden, it has taken up the city. There are little yellow bikes everywhere, hundreds of them at the subway station, dozens of them in front of the shopping mall, and tens of them in the community. People are happy to use them and recommend to their friends.


The little yellow bikes have dramatically changed the way of transportation. In the past, I used bus or subway to travel to work or school. They were not bad, but could be a little frustrating, since I still had to walk a certain distance to get to my destination after I got off. And sometimes that can be a long way. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. The yellow bikes alleviate this problem. Now when I reach the station, I pull out my cellphone, scan the QR code, unlock the bicycle, and ride to my destination. It is more convenient, simpler and much less physical-demanding. This is why I like this company. It actually benefits our life.

讲到公司话题卡,考官还很有可能追问与公司相关的问题 (点击查看),多多准备,开阔思路。

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/1016.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a big company or organization you know 大型公司或社团:等您坐沙发呢!


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