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2019年3月23日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 相比于大陆地区的题目而言,今天亚太地区的雅思考试相对简单一些。听力部 […]


2019年3月23日雅思考试答案 亚太卷



Section 1 答案暂缺

Section 2 介绍沉船


11-16 选择

11. who are the speakers talking to? 介绍人正在跟谁说话

C. journalist 记者

12. When did this exhibition hold the first time? 展览第一次 举办是在什么时候?

B. 1928

13. How many expected to attend to this exhibition? 预计有多少人参加这次展览?

C. 17,000

14. What did Tom talk about? Tom正在谈论什么

C. Andes mountain 安第斯山

15. what kind of exhibition did Tom hold? Tom举办了什么类型的展览?

C. photograph exhibition 照片展

16. Winner will win Winner将赢得?

A. free ticket to the art festival 艺术节的免费门票

17-20 地图题

17. Tour operator: F

18. Airlines: H

19. Cook demonstrate: A

20. India stand: B

Section 3 儿童肥胖研究


21-26 单选

21. The main idea of the paper is 这篇论文的主要观点是什么?

C. increase in children obesity 儿童肥胖的上升

22. Why care about exercise instead of diet? 为什么关注锻炼而不是饮食?

B. less is known about exercise 关于锻炼知之甚少

23. What is the professor’s opinion? 教授的意见是什么?

C. more accurate statistics data 需要更多更为准确的统计数据

24. the parents driving children to and from school leads to 父母开车接送孩子上下学会导致什么?

B. the increase of two-cars in family 越来越多拥有两辆车的家庭

25. current problem met by early researchers? 早期研究者现在遇到的问题是什么?

A. not knowing where to start 不知道从何开始

27-30 多选题

27-28. Choose the reference criteria of the control group in this experiment 试验中控制组的选择标准是

C. similar age 相似的年纪

D. the same distance to schools 到达学校的距离一致

29-30. What does it expect to discover from students who walk to school? 期待从走路去学校的学生身上发现什么?

A. less rate of being obese 较低的肥胖率

C. more sports activities 更多的体育活动

Section 4 户外广告对人们消费的影响


31-40 填空

31. the distance customers must travel affects the probability that they will buy the product 消费者需要跨越的举例会影响他们购买产品的可能性。

32. advertising slogans are easier to remember if there is a sound played with them 如果旁边有声音的话,广告标语更加容易记忆。

33. Mandy’s Candy Store appeals to people’s sense of chocolate to draw in customers 曼迪的糖果商店利用人们对巧克力的感觉来吸引顾客。

34. to an ad campaign for digital products, it is flexibility that is extremely important 对于一项数码产品的广告运动而言,其灵活性至关重要。

35. the customer reaction after he or she experiences the ad is most important 消费者在体验了广告之后的反应是最重要的。

36. on international flights, it is wise for advertisements to be displayed in the common languages of most passengers 国际航班上,广告最好以大多数乘客的通用语言来展示。

37. very few young people buy the newspaper 很少年轻人会购买报纸。

38. the UNESCO website would be a good place to advertise for companies aiming to improve the environment 联合国教科文组织的网站对于提升环境的公司而言是很好的做广告的地方。

39. One good location to place ads for sunscreen is the swimming pool 一个很好的放置太阳镜广告的位置是游泳池

40. A good scene for a water purification commercial would be national parks 净水器广告的良好地点是国家公园。


2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案









It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


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2019年3月23日雅思考试答案 亚太卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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