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2020年1月18日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 今天亚太地区的雅思考试也有两个版本哦。不过这种事情在亚太地区已经很常 […]

2020年1月18日雅思考试答案 亚太卷




Section 1 求职场景


1. address: Elsinore 考察地址

2. cellphone number: 077896245 考察数字

3. a part-time job as a waiter 兼职服务员

4. as a baseball coach at a high school 在高中做棒球教练

5. at the beach as a rescue diver 在海滩当救生员

6. other relevant skills: diving 其他相关的技能:潜水

7. need a certificate, it will expire in October 需要资质证明,会在10月份失效

8. preferred working time: Saturday mornings 希望在周六早上工作

9. He can start work at 6 o’clock 他可以在早上六点开始工作

10. source of information: radio 从收音机里听到的信息

Section 2 如何成为百万富翁的电台广播


11-16 单选

11. Attitude toward failure? 面对失败的态度是

A. take positive from the mistake 从中汲取积极方面

12. attitude toward confidence? 面对自信的态度是

A. too much confidence will cause failure 太多自信会导致失败

13. what did the author do when he encountered difficulties? 当作者遇到困难时怎么做的?

B. hired an expert to take care of it 雇个专家来解决

14. suggestion for freshman 对于新人的建议是

C. keep their aim and goals 守住自己的目标

15. what is the common quality of a leader? 领袖的共同特征是

C. gain respect from the colleagues 从同事那里赢得尊重

16. attitude about risks 对风险的态度是

A. be cautious 谨慎

17-20 多选

17-18. suggestions for starting a new business 对于创业的建议是

C. be committed 全神贯注

D. pay attention to the details 注意细节

19-20. how he get help to set up his business 如何开启它的公司?

B. took a loan from a bank to start the business 从银行得到了贷款

D. had good advice and help from family 从家里收到帮助和建议


Section 1 租房场景


1-10 填空

1. contact work phone 联系工作电话

2. come from Simerton west 考察地址

3. total members: two adults, a child at almost 3 years old 有两名承认,一名快三岁的小孩

4. type of accommodation: flat 房子类型是公寓

5. location: in the north 在北边

6. extra request: close to a park 额外要求:离公园近

7. need a pool 需要游泳池

8. rent: she wants to the maximum at 650 dollars 最多支付650美元的租金

9. date to move in: 15 December 打算12月15日搬进去

10. need to book the hotel 需要预订酒店

Section 4 气候与建筑


31-40 填空

31. both in rural areas and in cities 乡村和城市同时进行

32. received funds from a city bank 从城市银行收到资金

33. skyscrapers lower levers of acid in damaging pollutants 摩天大楼可以降低污染物中的酸性水平

34. in recent years, Alter Project focuses on the buildings made of stone 关注石头建成的建筑

35. glasses used to reduce pollution in skyscrapers  使用玻璃来减少摩天大楼的污染

36. are affected by the increased rainfall 收到降雨量增长的影响

37. humidity affects the constrictions made of wood 湿度会影响木制建筑

38. are worried about the soil that protects the foundation of buildings 担心保护地基的土壤

39. architects monitor the evidence of the movement of buildings 建筑师检测建筑移动的证据

40. the government should make guidelines for the architects 政府应该为建筑师制定行为准则


2020年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part1答案

2020年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案




本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/17599.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2020年1月18日雅思考试答案 亚太卷:目前有2 条评论

  1. 0楼


    2020-01-19 05:11 [回复]
    • 老烤鸭小编


      2020-01-19 11:01 [回复]


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