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雅思口语part3: What kinds of jobs are difficult to do? 什么样的 […]


雅思口语part3: What kinds of jobs are difficult to do? 什么样的工作比较难?

这道雅思口语第三部分的口语考题会与工作相关的雅思话题卡相连接,题目难度系数中等。考官会考求考生举例说明工作的种类或者归类说明哪些工作比较简单或者难,依次问题继续追问更深层面的问题,比如当今工作的equality issue等。因此,回答好此题对于后面的题目有着关键的作用。

It depends on how we define the standards of being difficult. For me, I think jobs that take excessive time, effort and even risks of losing our lives are difficult to do. For instance, police work is not that easy as catching the culprits is part of its responsibilities which means you would put yourself in danger at any time. Also, this article is from Laokaoya website, doctors are difficult especially those who are doing cardiac or brain surgery that usually takes hours and hours of exhausting work in the hospital.


点击返回查看该话题卡: Describe your grandparent’s job 祖辈工作

另一个与工作相关的话题卡中值得联想学习并练习的与之相关的P3问题:What’s the routine of people in your country?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/10989.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part3: What kinds of jobs are difficult to do 什么工作比较难:等您坐沙发呢!


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