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雅思口语话题卡(PART TWO)有这样一道题,Describe a person who you have […]


雅思口语话题卡(PART TWO)有这样一道题,Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about, 请表述一个你曾经见过的并想进一步了解的人。可以说说同窗好友,也可以说说路人甲路人乙,当然也可以说一说自己喜欢的偶像明星等等。

那么咱们就拿一位明星来说一说,这位明星极富创意且有才华,她获得过多次格莱美大奖,她就是Lady Gaga :oops: .

Well, a person who I have met before and want to know more about is actually Lady Gaga, who is one of the most famous pop song singers in the world.

看过今年的Super Bowl的朋友们应该都有被Lady Gaga惊艳的中场表演(Halftime Show)所折服把。

You know I remember the first time I met her was actually when I was watching the super bowl in Houston. As we all know the super bowl is probably one of the most, if not the most, popular live show event, which is sort of equivalent to the Spring Festival Gala in China. This article is from Laokaoya website. During the halftime show, she wore different kinds of fangled dresses and danced and sang a lot of songs like Poker Face, Bad Romance and so on in the entire 12 minutes without any rest, which was quite amazing for us. You know, nearly everybody there had a blast.


Well, I should say I was really head over heels for her performance (be head over heels for sth 表示对…神魂颠倒般的喜欢), you know it’s been years that I haven’t seen such a singer who can dance with the beat, and make all the audiences downstage feel like they were on the top of the world. It is her passion for music that really makes me stand in awe.


如果还意犹未尽,可以重温一下她的表演 :idea:


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/114.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语话题卡:Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about:等您坐沙发呢!


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