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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析: Perfume 香水 雅思口语perfume(香水)这个话题还是第一次考到。 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析: Perfume 香水


Do you give perfume as a gift? 你把香水当做礼物送人吗?

No, I really don’t. I am not a perfume person, so it would be difficult for me to choose a suitable bottle of perfume for others as a gift. I would rather give them a gift card so that they can buy a perfect one themselves.


What does perfume mean to you? 香水对你来说意味着什么?

Well, perfume is a good thing for me I should say because it would save my day if I am in a rush and don’t have enough time to clean myself up, you know, it helps prevent some odor from coming out of my body.


What kind of perfume do you like?

Oh, definitely Cologne is my favorite. This article is from Laokaoya website. I love it because it permeates a fragrance that is exactly what I am keen on. You know it smells so soothing and helps me loosen up a little bit while I am concentrating on my studies or work.


Do you use perfume? 你使用香水吗

Yes, I do. I use it from time to time. I love to use it because it can help me avoid the body odor that is unpleasant to the people around me. So, I usually use it while I am attending some formal conferences where there’re lots of guests.



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