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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:gift 礼物 已于2023年9月更新 Have you ever sent […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:gift 礼物


Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others? 你曾经给人送过手工艺礼品吗?

Yes, I have. On a memorable occasion, when my American friend was about to leave our school, I picked up a special Chinese knot as a gift for him. It was a heartfelt gesture to express my appreciation and friendship.


Have you ever received a great gift? 你曾收到过什么特别棒的礼物吗?

Yes, I have received a fantastic gift. During the COVID pandemic, for my birthday, I was gifted a Nintendo console. It was a thoughtful and enjoyable present, this article is from Laokaoya website, providing hours of entertainment during lockdowns. You know, it was one of the most needed items that not everyone could get at that time.


How to choose a gift? /What do you consider when choosing a gift? 如何选礼物?

Well, I suppose selecting a gift hinges on understanding the recipient’s genuine needs and preferences. It’s crucial to consider their hobbies, interests, and lifestyle. Additionally, occasions and personal sentiments play a role in choosing an appropriate present.


Do you think you are good at choosing gifts? 你认为你擅长选礼物吗?

I don’t consider myself adept at choosing gifts, but I am steadily improving in this regard. Selecting the perfect gift can be a challenge, as it requires a deep understanding of the recipient’s preferences. Over time, I have learned to pay more attention to their interests and needs, which has helped me make more thoughtful and meaningful gift choices.


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How often do you buy others gifts?


I rarely buy gifts for others only if someone intimate I know has an important event such as birthday. I usually buy them some gifts that are not too expensive but meaningful for him or her.


Do you like to send expensive gifts?


I don’t like sending some gifts that cost me an arm and a leg. Someone think expensive gifts are the representation of our sincerity, but I don’t buy that. If you buy something that makes you nearly bankrupt, the receivers will feel sad, which is not what you want to see right?


What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?


To be honest, cigarettes and alcohol are the most popular gifts in China. In China, we can’t live without these two things. This article is from laokaoya website. Even if we don’t’ smoke or drink alcohol, but someone else does, then we will definitely send them to show our sincerity.


Why do people send gifts?


I guess there are two main reasons. One is that gifts are the representation of our sincerity, we sometimes don’t really care how expensive the gifts are, but feel happy when others care us. Also, the gifts themselves are sometimes really useful, right?



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