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2019年6月1日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 相比于今天大陆地区的变态题目而言,亚太地区的考试内容还算正常。听力部分 […]


2019年6月1日雅思考试答案 亚太卷



Section 1 旅游咨询


1-10 填空

1. attraction: park with a good view 带有美丽风景的公园

2. difficulty: moderate 中等难度

3. a mountain of the good-view pool under the waterfall 瀑布之下漂亮的游泳池

4. museum in the center of the town 城镇中心的博物馆

5. can see lots of flowers 可以看到很多的花

6. attractions: cafe and seafood 咖啡馆和海鲜

7. you can take the No. 279 bus directly there 可以曾做279路公交车直接到达

8. the last bus time is 5.30 pm on weekdays 平日里最后一般车是5点半

9. you will get off the bus at the bridge stop 在Bridge这一站下车

10. you will get a map after buying the family ticket. 购买家庭套票之后可以得到一张地图

Section 2 租房信息


11-14 匹配

11. with a garden: A. flat 带有花园

12. each with a garage: A. flat 带有车库

13. security with an alarming system: B. house 带有警报系统

14. new furniture: B. house 全新的家具

15-20 地图

15. Bank: opposite to the agency 在机构对面

16. house: in front of the pool 在游泳池对面

17. hostel 青年旅馆

18. flat: along the street 沿着街走

19. post office: right side of the west street 在西大街的右边

20. bus stop: right side of the agency 在公司的右边

Section 3 火山知识讲座


21-25 匹配

21. dead volcano: E. need more details 需要更多的细节

22. active volcano: B. repeat other people’s studies 重复其他人的研究

23. dormant volcano: D. need first-hand evidence 需要第一手的证据

24. location is in Mexico or USA: C. inaccurate 不够准确

25. F. no need to talk 不需要去讨论

26-30 选择

26. Ekri thinks the area has been neglected 该区域一直被忽视

B. he does not understand the main reason 不理解主要原因

27. 关于怎么选择材料,Erick准备增加什么?

C. via internet video film programs 通过互联网电影项目

28. “dead”和”dormant”两个词语是为了:

A. help distinguish between the scientific and popular term 帮助区分科学词汇和流行词汇

29. 女同学上次课堂演讲被教授认为不好的原因是

C. did not develop her own point 没有展开自己的观点

30. the benefits of volcanoes

C. is not recognized 火山的好处并没有被意识到

Section 4 语言研究


31-40 填空

31. Lingua Franca need to know the background of an existing language 需要知道现存语言的背景

32. the language itself can promote global commerce 语言自身可以促进全球商业的发展

33. the grammar is standard 语法是标准

34. one example people are familiar is Greek 人们熟悉的一个例子是希腊

35. Pidget was created by children 由孩子创造的

36. it has many limitations 有许多限制

37. Russnorsk is a mixture of two different languages 是两种语言的混合

38. Creole is an entirely invented new language 完全是一种新发明的语言

39. the language is very advanced compels 非常高级的类型

40. it has a lot of rare vocabulary 有许多稀有的词汇







大作文:Increasing number of developing countries are expanding tourist industries. Why is it the case? Is it a positive development?


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2019年6月1日雅思考试答案 亚太卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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