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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an enjoyable journey by public tr […]


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport 乘公共交通出行/描述一次你乘坐公共交通工具愉快旅行的经历


这道雅思口语话题卡是本季度的新题,难度系数适中,考察考生描述jounery(旅行)的能力。老烤鸭小编在这里提醒大家,这里的一个重要的考点就是enjoyable一词,大家所描述的旅行一定得是很享受的那种,不能是不愉快的经历。除此之外,不少考生对于public transport的概念可能有偏差,我们看到这词就能想到中文的“公交”,但是我们通常很容易把公交直接认定为巴士(bus)。大家当然可以写乘坐bus去旅行,但是广义上而言,公共运输的交通工具还包括了铁路上的火车等等。因此,老烤鸭小编建议大家拿到如下题目之后可以先给自己一些时间独立准备并口头演练一遍,最后参考老烤鸭原创范文进行学习。


Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

You should say:

Where you went

Who you were with

What you did

And how you felt about it




An enjoyable journey by public transport that I would like to say is actually the one I had last summer.


I went to the Qinghai lake which is located in Qinghai Province, somewhere in the west part of China. It’s the biggest inland lake in China.


I had this journey with my classmates from senior high school. You know, that was the graduation season, and we thought that a train trip to a place that was far from home would be a wonderful way of commemorating our last summer before going to college.


We actually traveled to a lot of small scenic spots around that major one and definitely take a serious look at Qinghai Lake for quite a while. This article is from Laokaoya website. If my memory was correct, we got a chance to ride on a horse to appreciate the beautiful natural sceneries there. We were also told by the local tenants about the history of the lake.


Well, I felt so grateful that I had this trip with my classmates even though train trip was a bit tiring. You know, that was the first time I realized how breathtaking a natural scenery of a lake could be. By walking and seeing the beautiful lake, the mountains behind and the blue sky above the water level, I was able to get a sense of serenity which made me feel quite soothing.


Part 3 追加问题

Why do people choose to travel by public transport?

What are the disadvantages of traveling by public transport?

Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in the city?

Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/17533.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport 乘公共交通出行:等您坐沙发呢!


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