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雅思写作艺术类高分词汇 含例句 雅思写作大作文中有关艺术类的话题大体可以分类两类。其一要求大家讨论在小学、中学 […]

雅思写作艺术类高分词汇 含例句


1. creative

含义:有创造力的。Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

例句:He is an incredibly creative person – he’s written many books and plays and he can paint as well.

2. classical

含义:经典的。Music that is considered to be part of a long especially formal tradition and to be of lasting value.

例句:I prefer classical music such as Mozart and Bach to modern-day pop music.

3. musical

含义:音乐剧,音乐的。A play or film in which part of the story is sung to music (noun). OR A skill in or great liking for music (adjective)

例句:”The Phantom of the Opera” is one of the best musicals that I have ever seen.

Everyone in the family can play an instrument – they are very musical.

4. opera

含义:歌剧,喜剧。An art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text and music, usually in a theatre.

例句:Opera is not very popular amongst young people these days.

5. performance

含义:表演。A show or action involving the entertaining of other people by dancing, singing, acting, or playing music.

例句:His performance as Macbeth was amazing.

There will be a performance of a famous play at the Lyceum Theatre tonight.

6. festival

含义:节日。An organized set of special events, such as musical, art or film performances.

例句:The Cannes Film festival has some great movies this year.

The local council organizes a music festival in my town every year.

7. exhibition

含义:展览。An event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public.

例句:There will be an exhibition at the weekend to show all of his latest paintings.

His paintings were exhibited at the local art gallary over the weekend.

8. sculpture

含义:雕塑,雕像。The art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood.

例句:The museum has many life-sized sculptures of past Kings and Queens of England.

9. abstract

含义:抽象的。A type of painting, drawing, or sculpture that uses shapes, lines, and colour in a way that does not try to represent the appearance of people or things.

例句:Jackson Pollock is one of the most famous abstract artists. He famous for dripping and splattering paint onto his canvas

10. display

含义:展览,展示。A collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at, or performance or show for people to watch (= being shown).

例句:Jackson Pollock’s most famous paintings are on display at the Tate Modern Art Gallery in London for 10 days.

11. inspired

含义:启发,有启发的。To be filled with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

例句:Shakespeare plays have inspired many young people to take up writing and acting.

His method of acting really inspires me.

12. artefact

含义:人造的。An object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest.

例句:The museum in town has many artefacts that were found in the local area. Most are tools from the Stone Age.

13. choreograph

含义:编舞。Compose the sequence of steps and moves for a ballet or other performance of dance.

例句:Their dance routines had been carefully choreographed so there would be no mistakes.

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