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2020年1月18日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 大家对今天雅思考试的吐槽主要集中在听力的Section 4和阅读的第 […]

2020年1月18日雅思考试答案 大陆卷

大家对今天雅思考试的吐槽主要集中在听力的Section 4和阅读的第二篇。前者普遍认为语速太快;后者则是消耗了太多的时间,导致更简单的第三篇文章没来得及看。此外,这次考试还有两个让人困惑的细节。一是有些同学反映大陆地区出了不止一套卷子;二是听力部分本来取消的example这次又出现了。具体消息我们还在核实。下面是老烤鸭小编根据网上考生的回忆,整理的雅思考试答案,以供大家参考。


Section 1 海岛旅游


1-10 填空

1. bring more cash because you could not use the credit card 因为没办法使用信用卡,请多带现金

2. stay at least 4 days 最少待4天

3. caravan tour 房车旅行

4. went sailing 去航海

5. must go to the museum 一定要去博物馆

6. white mountain 白头山

7. snowboarding 滑雪板

8. having cakes in the mountain cafe 在山巅咖啡馆吃蛋糕

9. you should hire a car 应该租辆车

10. buy a map in advance 提前买地图

Section 2 营地地图与相关课程


11-15 地图

11. bike sheds: G

12. snack shops: D

13. fitness shops: A

14. family room: F

15. TV room: H

16-20 选择

16. In the option of drama, where it was held 戏剧课程将会在哪里举办?

C. in the lecture room 在教室里

17. In the option of photograph, it is reserved for 摄影课程适合什么人?

A. beginners who want to learn 想要学习的初学者

18. In the option of write, what will be taught? 写作课程会教什么?

A. about poetry technics 诗歌技巧

19. In the option of music, what will be included 音乐课会包含什么

C. giving a performance 表演

20. which one is right related to cache 下面哪一项是正确的?

A. it costs the same as last year 价格跟去年一致

Section 3 日用品调查


21-24. 填空

21. preserve memories such as photographs 保存诸如照片一类的记忆

22. show off status such as computers and cell phones 展示电脑或者手机的状态

23. reflect tastes such as works of art 反映了艺术品的品位

24. personal identity 个人身份

25-27. 多选题

25-27. What kinds of interviewees do they like to choose? 他们喜欢选择哪种受访者?

B. different backgrounds 不同背景的人

D. different interests 不同兴趣的人

G. the first-year students 一年级的学生

28-30. 单选题

28. what does Sarah worry about the questionnaire? Sarah对于调查问卷有什么担心?

A. the length of time is short 时间长度太短

29. What does the essay should start with? 论文以什么开头?

C. the reason why you choose these interviewees 选择这些受访者的理由

30. What should be finished by the end of April? 在四月底之前应该结束什么?

B. they should at least finish the interview 他们至少应该结束访谈

Section 4 阳光诱导打喷嚏的现象

31-40 填空

31. caused by a faster breathing rate 由更快的呼吸频率导致

32. phonic sneeze: an uncontrolled reaction 无法控制的反应

33. caused by the nerve endings in the face 由脸上的神经末梢引起

34. airspeed is like a personal hurricane 像是个人风暴

35. share the same habit of tears 一样拥有流泪的习惯

36. it is light which leads the sneeze, which is not caused by the heat of the fire 不是由火的热量引起的

37. phonic sneezers are common when relatives are …

38. depending on the contrast of brightness 取决于光亮的对比

39. it will happen after certain of time 在特定的时间之后发生

40. government conduct experiment on pilots 政府在飞行员身上进行实验


2020年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part1答案

2020年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案












Some people think children have too much freedom  Do you agree or disagree?


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2020年1月18日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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