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雅思口语练习:Why do people like to have private cars 人们为什么喜欢买 […]

雅思口语练习:Why do people like to have private cars 人们为什么喜欢买私家车呢?

这是一道典型的关于car journey的雅思口语Part three问题,这个问题抛给大多数学生身份的烤鸭们,可能会在脑海里思考几秒到底那么多人买私家车的好处?对于有车一族或者经常驾车的人可能会立马想到几个观点,那就是舒适方便 :idea:  嗯,观点很实在。


There are probably many reasons for this. I think the most obvious factor to this phenomenon is that people feel that it is much more comfortable compared to those public transportations like the bus or the subway. Another reason why they love to buy private cars is that you know it really brings us a lot convenience, especially when you are in a hurry, and probably there are no public transport tools at the moment, then a private car can be a life savior for us.

对于人们喜欢购买私家车这件事上,或许还是有很多原因的。我觉得最明显的一个原因就是私家车相比公交比如说巴士或者地铁而言会方便很多。另外一个原因就是私家车也给我们带来了极大的便利性,比如是当你很匆忙的时候,尤其是你还找不到可乘坐的公交车 :arrow: ,那么一辆私家车真的是我们的大救星。

What are the differences between bicycles and private cars? 好的童鞋们,来仔细思考思考下一个与之相关的可能会被考官追问的雅思口语练习问题。

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雅思口语练习:Why do people like to have private cars 人们为什么喜欢买私家车:等您坐沙发呢!


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