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雅思口语练习 Is it a good thing that everyone has their own c […]

雅思口语练习 Is it a good thing that everyone has their own cars? 每个人都买私家车是好事吗?

这道雅思口语P3问题大多数人可能思考的点就是环境污染的问题,这算一个考虑因素。不过老烤鸭建议大家可以打开思路,从另外一个角度来思考思考这个问题。我们认为的car可能是传统意义上那种烧油的汽车,但是可否说说最近十年新出的车种呢? :idea:

I think it is a good that everyone has their own cars. The reason is that private cars can not only give people an alternative to travel to different places when there’s actually no public transportations, but it can also make them feel more comfortable on their own private cars. I know that most cars cause air pollution, but I believe in the near future, cars will be environmentally friendly.


Now, next question. How to buy private cars in China? ☜点击查看问题,请给位烤鸭们先自我思考,再查看老烤鸭的解析。

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雅思口语练习 Is it a good thing that everyone has their own cars? 每个人买私家车是好事吗?:等您坐沙发呢!


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