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单性别学校与混合性别学校-雅思写作讨论双方观点-雅思大作文范文 mixed-sex schools 这篇雅思写 […]


单性别学校与混合性别学校-雅思写作讨论双方观点-雅思大作文范文 mixed-sex schools

这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家讨论单性别教育与混合性别教育的优劣。前者即男校或者女校,它们在英联邦国家十分常见。后者则是我们中国人更加熟悉的模式。通常来说,男校或者女校更容易让人们根据男性和女性的不同特点进行有针对性的教育(雅思写作大作文思路 单性别教育的优势和劣势),而混合性别教育则在提升社交能力方面有着自己的优势。针对该题目,老烤鸭小编搜集了一篇高分范文,以供大家参考。


Some people think it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that girls and boys benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




Facilities and the environment of a school play a crucial role in developing students’ overall performance and personality along with the teachers it has and the curriculum it follows. Having studied in both – all girls and mixed school environment, I have experienced the differences between the two educational systems. Personally, I believe that mixed schools have more advantages to offer to their students.



Girls and boys are basically very different with respect to their thought process, preference,  physical orientation, and in the way they respond to a situation. Studying in the mix-sex school unquestionably helps students to become comfortable with their classmates and develop comradery very easily. Moreover, today, men and women share the workspaces everywhere, irrespective of the sector. Being able to work efficiently with someone’s colleagues is just as important as having the right skills for the job. Even outside the workspace, one has to interact with both genders almost on a daily basis. Thus, the atmosphere at school should prepare students for life outside its compound walls.



When girls and boys study, play, and work on school projects together, they get to learn from other students and this activity catalyzes respect. It allows them to understand the mutual differences better and be more considerate towards each other. The neutral treatment helps them to look beyond gender and treat individuals equally. Such students find it comparatively easier to cope with mixed-gender situations, at offices or at social occasions. Subsequently, it facilitates them with skills to create meaningful and lasting relationships with people.



To conclude, I believe that students get an opportunity to develop their overall personality when they study in mixed schools. It exposes them to wider competition which inculcates a broader perspective towards people.



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