多次驾照考试-雅思写作优缺点-雅思大作文范文 regualr driving tests throughout their lives
这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家探讨通过多次驾照考试来提升道路安全这一方法的好处和坏处(雅思写作大作文思路 道路安全 road safety)。该措施无疑可以保证司机的驾驶水平,以及对道路交通法规的熟悉。但与此同时也会极大地增加行政开支,而且占用大量的时间,可能给人们带来很多不便。老烤鸭小编搜集了一篇相关的高分范文,以供大家参考。
There are more cars on the roads these days and more accidents are happening. As a result, some politicians have suggested that people should take regular driving tests throughout their lives, rather than one single test. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In most of the countries, people take a driving test before they are awarded the driving licence and renewal of driving licence does not require the person to retake the test. Some politicians, however, suggest that repetitive test should replace the ‘test once in a lifetime’ policy. Undeniably, the proposed policy has some advantages but the drawbacks are far greater.
To begin with, the recursive driving test seems like a solution to the increasing driving offence but in reality, people’s carelessness, violation of traffic rules and driving under the influence are the main causes for most of the accidents. Therefore the authorities should spend more money and manpower for ensuring road safety than retesting driver’s ability. It is a scientific fact that adept drivers are less likely to forget their driving skill unless they get physically unfit. Considering this, the authority should update the drivers about the changes of traffic rules, not test their ability to drive a vehicle. Moreover, strict punishment and penalty should be imposed for the traffic rule violation.
Furthermore, a periodic driving test would kill people’s money, time and energy on the one hand and drain the government’s budget on the other hand. According to a recent report, new applicants have to wait for several weeks to get a driving licence due to the insufficient facility and manpower. Having the repetitive driving skill test would thus make this far worse.
To conclude, rather than questing people’s ability to remember how to drive, strict policies and road safety should get priority. Driver’s should be educated not tested on their ability to drive a car as this proposed policy would add burden both to the ordinary people and the authority.