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推迟生育年龄-雅思写作优缺点-雅思大作文范文 have children later 这篇雅思写作大作文要求大 […]

推迟生育年龄-雅思写作优缺点-雅思大作文范文 have children later



Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this trend outweigh disadvantages?




These days a large number of couples decide to have babies after spending at least a few years since their marriage. According to some experts, there are various reasons which urge parents to have children later in their life. Career, changes in social belief, women empowerment, escalating living expenses, increased life expectancy are some of the major causes of this trend. In my belief advantages of having children later in life outweigh its demerits.



First, a growing number of parents are very passionate and enthusiastic in terms of career development and their profession is the primary reason they do not expect to have children in the early stage of their marriage. It is intuitively obvious that in this age of huge competition, unemployment and economic crisis, people around the world are constantly worried about their career and job promotions. As a result, parents decide and determine to postpone their first childbirth. Second, women empowerment has changed the old way of life where a woman’s sole responsibility was to look after the children. Since many wives are working these days, they decide to take babies after they reach a stable job position.



Furthermore, social belief regarding giving birth of children has changed dramatically and people are more concerned about the living expenses than the number of babies they have, unlike older generations. Additionally, people who study full-time in universities can not concentrate on their studies competently if they become parents. Enhanced life expectancy and changes in social belief are two other reasons for this trend.



Undeniably people who either work or run a business can reach a stable position before becoming parents. Thus they can take better care of their babies which would have been impossible if the baby was born earlier. It is often a fact that having offspring early in life can escalate the expenditures and financial responsibilities of parents. In particular, if the parents cannot allocate time for them, they grow up with psychological issues. Such young parents often lack the knowledge and time they need to properly take care of the baby. Ultimately, people might put their career at a risk as well as the future of their children if they become parents before they are mentally and economically stable.



In conclusion, despite the pleasure of having a new baby in early years of marriage, parents who decide to have babies later can primarily, readily and precisely focus on their career, can easily fulfil financial requirements and have sufficient time to persist, strive and struggle in order to have a stunning, and illuminated future in life.



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