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不同年龄段的互联网使用-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 internet use by age gr […]

不同年龄段的互联网使用-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 internet use by age group



The table below gives information about rail transport in four countries in 2007.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

不同年龄段的互联网使用 雅思写作小作文题目


The given data shows the internet usages activity of seven age groups. As is presented in the data, teenagers mostly play games and get news while mid-aged people mostly search and purchase products.


According to the presentation, teenagers mostly play online games, look for news, download, and purchase products when they are online. They rarely search for people. With the increase of age internet users do product search mostly and their second most activity online involves getting news and buying products. Among the 40 to 60 years old internet users, the most common activity is product purchasing. With the increase of age, the download activity decreases and searching for people activity increases. For instance, only 5% activity of teenagers involves searching for people while this rate increases to around 30% when they get older. On the other hand, 52% of teenagers’ internet activities involve downloading from the internet while this rate decreases to less than 30% over time. Similarly, online game playing is most popular among teenagers and this percentage decreases significantly among the grownup people.


In summary, teenagers mostly download and play games online while matured people mostly search and purchase products online. Getting news and buying products are done by all age group and aged people mostly search for other people online.



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