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剑桥雅思6Test3听力Section2答案解析 the history of rosewood house […]

剑桥雅思6Test3听力Section2答案解析 the history of rosewood house

剑桥雅思6听力第二套题目第二部分由3道单项选择,4道地图和3道单句填空构成。其中单选和填空的难度都比较符合目前雅思听力考试Section 2的水平,而地图题因为顺序太过明显,显得有点简单。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。


剑桥雅思6 test 3 section 2听力原文

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剑桥雅思6 Test 3 Section 2听力答案解析


对应原文:At that time the owners let it out to a tenant because George was too slow making up his mind to buy it.

答案解析:选项A和C在录音中都没有明显对应的点。B选项中的unsure与录音中too slow making up his mind同义替换,由此确定答案。make up one’s mind是下定决心的意思,大家可以积累一下作为口语素材。


对应原文: his personal life wasn’t as successful. He was no longer on speaking terms with his brother and had been devastated by the death at the age of seven of his elder daughter, Josephine.

答案解析:录音中提到,买房子之前,他已经是英语世界最著名的作家之一,因此排除B。C选项完全没有提到。选项A则采用了词义解释的方法,将family problems的具体内容罗列出来,包括不跟兄弟说话,大女儿去世等。


对应原文: George regarded Rosewood as a pure example of a traditional country house of this part of England

答案解析:录音中虽然提到了B选项中的escape,但说的并不是逃离工作,因此排除。选项A完全没有提到。选项C中的typical与pure example对应,region与country对应,由此确定答案。


对应原文: as you go round the first sharp corner you will find, to your left, an area where different types of pear tree have been planted as well as some lovely flowers, and this is known as Pear Alley

答案解析:解题关键点:first sharp courner(第一个转弯处),to your left(左手边)。


对应原文:Follow the path round the second corner and on your right you will see the entrance to the Mulberry Garden

答案解析:解题关键点:round the second corner(第二个转弯处)


对应原文:then leave the house by the side entrance, where you will find our shop, which is situated between the house and the garage

答案解析:解题关键点:side entrance(侧面入口),situated between the house and the gargage(房子和车库中间)。


对应原文:Most visitors are, so why don’t you visit the tea room on the far side of the garage?

答案解析:解题关键点:far side of the garage(车库远端)。


对应原文:This isn’t on the map but it is all clearly signposted. You cross the field which spreads along the banks of the river.

答案解析:这道题的难点主要在于没有明显的定位词提示大家答案即将到来,只能根据through与cross的同义替换,以及空后的along the river bank来确定答案位置。比较考验听音辨音和短期记忆能力。


对应原文:Spend a minute or two watching the water pass by underneath as you cross the footbridge

答案解析:跟上一题一样,同样不存在明显的定位词,只能根据go over和cross的同义替换来定位答案。


对应原文:when you return from the mill take the first turning on your left and climb up to the viewpoint.

答案解析:相比于前两道题目而言,本题要稍微简单一些。return与way back的同义替换提示大家答案即将到来。up原词出现,确定后面跟着的viewpoint(观景点)即为答案。


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