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2022年5-8月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文 每到雅思口语换题季的时候,Part1的题目也会跟着Pa […]

2022年5-8月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文



传送门:2022年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案


传送门:2022年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案



Work 工作 or study 学习

Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)? 你为什么要选择这个学习项目/工作?

Do you miss being a student? 你怀念做学生的时期吗?

Is it very interesting? 有趣吗?

Do you like your job? 你喜欢现在的工作吗?

Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those subjects? 你为啥要选择这个科目? 为啥要学这些科目?

Is it very interesting? 有不有意思?

What subject(s) are you studying? 你目前在学习哪些科目?

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons? 你喜欢在早上还是下午学习?

Are you looking forward to working? 你期待工作吗?

Do you like your subject? (why/why not?) 你喜欢你的科目吗? 为什么?

Home (your accommodation) 家或宿舍

What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 你居住的什么样的房子?

Do you live in a house or a flat? 你住在单元楼还是独栋房子内?

What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 你过去居住的地方和现在的地方有什么不同?

Can you describe the place where you live? 你能描述一下你居住的地方吗?

Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 那间房子你和你家人呆的时间最多?

How long have you lived there? 你在那里居住多久了?

What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 你平时在你的房子/公寓/房子里做什么?

Do you plan to live there for a long time? 你有没有计划在那里居住很久?

Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 你家的交通设施完善吗?

Please describe the room you live in? 请描述一下你住的房间。

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 你喜欢住在公寓还是独立屋?

What part of your home do you like the most? 你喜欢你家的哪点?

Hometown 家乡

What’s the name of your hometown (again)? 你家乡的名字叫什么来着?

Is that a big city or a small place? 家乡地方大还是小?

How long have you been living there? 你在你的家乡住了多久了?

Do you like your hometown? 你喜欢你的家乡吗?

Is there anything you dislike about it? 有没有不喜欢家乡的地方?

What do you like (most) about your hometown? 你最喜欢你家乡的什么?

Do you like living there? 你喜欢居住在哪儿吗?

Please describe your hometown a little. 请稍微描述一下你的家乡?

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? 你觉得你会一直住在你的家乡吗?

The area you live in 居住的区域

Do you like the area that you live in? 你喜欢你居住的地方吗?

What are some changes in the area recently? 最近附近有没有发生什么大的改变?

Do you know any famous people in your area? 你认识附近的名人吗?

Where do you like to go to that area? 在你住的地方区域,你喜欢去哪里?

Cinemas 电影院  (点击小标题可以查看翻译和答案)

Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?

Do you still enjoy watching the movies you loved as a child?

Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?

Emails 电子邮件

Do you often send emails?

When would you send emails to others?

Is sending emails popular in China?

Do think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?

Dreams 梦

Can you remember the dreams you had?

Do you share your dreams with others? (or are you interested in others’ dreams?)

Do you think dreams have special meanings?

Do you want to make your dreams come true?

Mirrors 镜子

Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often?

Have you ever bought mirrors?

Do you usually take a mirror with you?

Would you use mirrors to decorate your room?

Art 艺术

Do you like drawing?

Do you like to go to the gallery?

Do you want to learn more about art?

Did you learn drawing when you were a kid?

Sports 运动

Do you like watching sport programs on TV?

Do you like to watch live sports games?

Who do you like to watch sports games with?

What kinds of games do you expect to watch in the future?

Taking photos 拍照

Do you like taking photos?

Do you like taking selfies?

What is your favorite family photo?

Do you want to improve your photography skills?

Street market 街市

What do people usually buy on the street market?

Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on the street market?

When was the last time you went to a street market?

Are there many street markets in China?

Mobile phone 手机

What was your first mobile phone?

Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls?

Will you buy a new one in the future?

How has your mobile phone changed your life?

Time management 时间管理

How do you plan your time in a day?

Is it easy to manage time for you?

When do you find it hard to allocate time?

Do you like being late?

Websites 网站

What kinds of websites do you often visit?

What is your favorite website?

Are there any changes about the websites you often visit?

What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Lost and find 丢失与寻找

What will you do if you find something lost by others?

Do you report to the police when finding something lost by others? Why?

Have you ever lost things?

Will you post on social media if you lose your item?

Cars 汽车

Did you enjoy travelling by car when you were a kid?

What types of cars do you like?

Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger?

What do you usually do when there is a traffic jam?

Daily routine 日程安排

What is your daily study routine?

Have you ever changed your routine?

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study?

What part of your day do you like best?

TV program 电视节目

What kinds of TV programs do you often watch?

Do you think kids are watching too much television?

What are the impacts of watching TV programs on children?

What kinds of TV programs do you think should be broadcast more?

Memory 记忆

Why do some people have good memory while others just do not?

Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?

Are you good at memorizing things?

Have you ever forgotten something that was important?

Weekend 周末

What do you usually do on weekends?

Did you do anything special last weekend?

What will you do next weekend?

What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

Science 科学

Do you like science?

When did you start learning about science?

Which science subject is interesting to you?

What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?

Talents 天赋

Do you have a talent, or something you are good at?

Was it mastered recently or when you were young?

Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?

Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

Collecting things 收集物品

Do you collect things?

Are there any things you keep from childhood?

Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?

Where do you usually keep things you need?

Watch 手表

Do you wear a watch?

Have you ever got a watch as a gift?

Why do some people wear expensive watches?

Do you think watch is important for you? Why?

Boring things 无聊的事情

What kinds of things are boring to you?

What will you do when you feel bored?

What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

Do you think school is boring?

Old buildings 古老建筑

Have you ever seen some old buildings in the city?

Do you think we should preserve old buildings in cities?

Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house?

Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?

Computers 计算机

In what conditions would you use a computer?

When was the first time you used a computer?

What would your life be like without computers?

In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

Sitting down 闲坐

Where is your favorite place to sit?

Do you always sit down for a long time?

Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?

When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?

Meeting places 见面地点

Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends?

Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with others?

Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places in the present and in your childhood?

Why are some meeting places better than others?

Advertisement 广告

Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet advertisements?

What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?

Do you share advertisements with others?

Do you want to work in advertising in the future?

Evening Time 晚间

Do you like morning or evening?

What do you usually do in the evening?

What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?

Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you did in the past?

Doing sports 运动

What sports do you like?

Where did you learn how to do it?

Did you do some sports when you were young?

Do you think students need more exercise?

Books and reading habits 图书与阅读习惯

Do you often read books? When?

Are your reading habits now different from before?

Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?

Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/49535.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2022年5-8月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文:目前有4 条评论

  1. 0楼


    2022-06-20 21:28 [回复]
    • 老烤鸭小编


      2022-06-20 23:17 [回复]
  2. 0楼

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :wink:

    2022-07-23 17:50 [回复]
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    2022-08-08 10:18 [回复]


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