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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Shopping 购物 购物是一个在日常生活中非常常见的话题,也是雅思口语考试 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Shopping 购物

购物是一个在日常生活中非常常见的话题,也是雅思口语考试中经常出现的话题之一。根据老烤鸭老师多年的教学和考试经验来看,shopping类的话题已经不止一次出现在雅思口语Part 1当中。因此,烤鸭们需要多多重视这类话题,不可掉以轻心。整体而言,购物类的话题难度适中偏易,有很多问题都是我们生活中会思考或者考虑到的。只要大家提前多花点时间进行口头练习就不会出现什么大问题了。

Do you like shopping? 你喜欢购物吗?

Yes, I do. I’ve quite keen on shopping. No matter who brings me to the shopping center, I’ll always have the excitement of looking around and getting some fancy stuff. You know, each time I bought something, I felt a sense of joyfulness that could make me satisfy my life.

是的,我很喜欢购物。不管谁把我带到了购物中心, 我在那逛逛然后买点精致的商品,我总是会感到激动不已。每次买完东西,我都能得到一种愉悦感,这种愉悦感能够让我对自己的生活感到满意。

Do you compare prices when you shop? Why? 当你购物的时候,你会比较价格吗?

It depends. If I’m shopping for some groceries, I usually ignore the price tags and just grab what I want. But, in terms of big items such as a laptop, I compare prices because it can help me save a great sum.


Is it difficult for you to make choices (when you shop)? 当你购物的时候,做选择困难吗?

No, it isn’t. For me, most items are fixed in price and have very detailed descriptions of the specs, which is quite easy for me to make a decision to buy them or not. Also, this article is from Laokaoya website, I always have a shopping list that gives me clear guidance, and thus I don’t need to hesitate.


Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones? 你认为贵的产品是不是总是会比便宜的产品要好?

No, I don’t think so. It is true that some expensive products often feature premium quality. However, the manufacturers can’t fully guarantee the functions of those products can suit the needs of all customers. Sometimes, it’s cost-effective to get a cheaper counterpart.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/25722.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

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