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澳大利亚家庭每月花费-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 monthly expenditure of […]

澳大利亚家庭每月花费-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 monthly expenditure of an average Australian family



The table below shows the monthly expenditure of an average Australian family in 1991 and 2001.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

澳大利亚普通家庭支出 雅思写作小作文题目


The table data compare monthly expenses of an average family in Australia for the years 1991 and 2001.


Overall, monthly expenditure by an average Australian family had not increased that much in 10 years, from 1991 to 2001, and expenses on electricity, water, housing, and non-essential goods and services somewhat increased while the expenses on clothing and transport decreased over time.


As is presented in the table, the average expenditure of an Australian family per month was AUD 675 in 1991 while this reached to AUD 715 after 10 years. This shows that the average expenditure of an average Australian family had not increased significantly. In 1991, the expenditure on non-essential goods and services was $250 which was the highest among the given categories. This reached to $270 in 2001 which was also the highest amount among the given expense categories in 2001. The expenses on food & housing were $155 and $95 consecutively in 1991 and both of these expenses increased by only 5 dollars after 10 years. Interestingly the monthly amount spent on clothing and transport decreased over the decade and reached to $20 and $45 in 2001. The expenses on food, housing and electricity & water increased and the highest increase was for electricity and water.



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