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雅思口语Part3:What kinds of problems will people have when […]


雅思口语Part3:What kinds of problems will people have when they travel or live in a foreign country?



They will get all kinds of problems that they even can’t imagine. One of the biggest problems should be the language barrier. Take a trip of mine for example. Last year before Christmas, when I was traveling to BKK, which is the capital of Thailand, I was overcharged for a long distance of car travel only because of the misunderstanding of their language when I was calling the Grabtaxi, which is a Uber-like car booking platform.  At that time, I thought life in Thailand could have been better if I just picked up some useful Thai langue.

相关问题:What are the advantages of traveling by plane? 坐飞机旅行的优势

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雅思口语Part3:What kinds of problems will people have when they travel or live in a foreign country? 当人们在其他国家旅行或者居住的时候会遇到哪些问题?:等您坐沙发呢!


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