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2020年10月25日大陆雅思考试答案 听力命中Part2 今天考试的人比较少,连精彩的吐槽都没有了,这让小编 […]

2020年10月25日大陆雅思考试答案 听力命中Part2




Part 1 罂粟花园咨询


1. The poppies will be at their best at the end of the month

2. The poppies on the hills are orange in color

3. The reserve is located to the southeast of Lakeside

4. The best time for photography is mid-afternoon

5. Wear trousers because of rattlesnakes

6. activity: general tour

7. viewpoint of a museum

8. you should prepare at least 1 hour for visiting

9. 5.30 am to 1.00 pm

10. bring the tripods and zoom lens of camera

Part 2 工作中心


11-16 选择

11. 为什么早晨去

B. more job opportunities

12. 他们哪方面有了改善

A. longer appointment

13. 如果不预约直接去会有什么样的帮助?

B. fill the applications

14. 有资金支持做什么样的培训?

C. communication skills

15. 中心提供的什么东西是免费的?

C. computers

16. 曾经从该中心找到工作的人,大多数都认为

A. 提高了职业地位

17-20 匹配

17. profiles:A. employer’s files

18. self-access: C. salaries

19. occupational file: B. job description

20. booklets: E. training opportunity

Part 3 讨论如何教授孩子分辨池塘生物


21-25 选择

21. what did they get before going?

C. get the permission to visit the pond

22. why do they decide not to use a worksheet?

A. because they do not want to make it too structured

23. what is their purpose to do this

B. to identify the food chain

24. what advice does the professor give them?

B. provide variation to the class

25. during the last lesson, why do they decide to use movie instead of a real animal

A. movie is easier to control. It is practical

26-30 匹配

26. what do they want the whole class to do? listen to teachers

27. what do they want the children to do in pairs? Do a list

28. what do they want the whole class to do after that? Report ideas

29. individual: to fill some worksheets

30. individual: do a drawing

Part 4 渔业养殖


31. 担心鱼escape

32. 养一些有特点的鱼,比如tuna

33. those people are encouraged to safeguard the local fishing farming

34. less likely to be strong

35. lack of land in coast

36. lack of young fish

37. seaweeds can be made for cosmetics

38. earn money to support hospitality industry

39. governments should have local fishing business by encouraging agriculture, recreation and shipping


2020年9-12月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2020年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Many people say that the internet is the most important invention ever. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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2020年10月25日大陆雅思考试答案 听力命中Part2:等您坐沙发呢!


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