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疫情期间在土耳其考雅思需要HES CODE 最近在给学生做雅思代报名的时候发现土耳其官方发放了一个最新的通知: […]

疫情期间在土耳其考雅思需要HES CODE

最近在给学生做雅思代报名的时候发现土耳其官方发放了一个最新的通知:要求土耳其境内的雅思考生在考试的时候出示HES CODE。那么HES CODE是什么呢?不少烤鸭问了类似的问题。那么,老烤鸭今天就为大家统一做个解答,希望能够帮助到更多的烤鸭们。

这个HES CODE类似于咱们国内的防疫码,官方处于疫情防控的需要对此作出了要求。具体的要求情况如下:

  • HES codes will be checked at the entrance.
  • All candidates’ body temperature is measured at test location.
  • In order to maintain social distance, the entrance area of ​​the test location is covered with lanes and the candidates are taken in groups.
  • A new mask is given to candidates before entering the test area.
  • For all our candidates, disinfectant, cologne, masks and gloves are available in location.
  • You can bring your own pen, if you wish, the test center can provide you a disposable one.
  • All candidates must declare their health status by filling out the Health Consent Form.
  • Instead of fingerprint scanning, only a signature is taken and the used pen is disinfected after each candidate.
  • Exam materials are disinfected before and after each use.
  • The headphones provided in the Listening section are given in special packages after disinfection.
  • Invigilator takes your belongings in disposable bags in the safe area with gloves and masks.

整体上来看,如果你是外国的游客,可能在土耳其参加雅思考试会比较麻烦了。如果你在土耳其境内读书、工作或者有合法的居留权,那么申请HES CODE会很方面,直接在网上申请即可。




以上就是针对疫情期间在土耳其考雅思需要HES CODE的解释说明,更多有关雅思方面的学习内容可以随时随地访问老烤鸭官网的听说读写等板块进行深入的学习。同时,也欢迎大家关注老烤鸭公众号(微信搜索“老烤鸭”)来获取独家一手备考资料和考试讯息。祝大家雅思备考顺利并早日取得理想的成绩!

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/38563.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

疫情期间在土耳其考雅思需要HES CODE:等您坐沙发呢!


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